Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! (and what makes me thankful and happy!)

This evening, my husband took the kiddos to his mother's house where they plan to spend the night.  I kind of stared off into space for a little while because it had been so long since I had the house to myself with children being out of school and the holidays.  I kicked into gear and started straightening up.  I was brainstorming as I typically do when my brain has the chance, and I really felt like blogging on the beginning of a new year.  I thought about what this past year has been like and all the blessings in my life. I looked at my imperfect home with toys thrown about and instead of thinking about how sick and tired I was of cleaning them up, I thought about how much I will miss picking up their baby dolls one day when they are older.  
Those are the good things in life and I hope that I make it even more of priority next year.  I want to thank each and every one of my family, friends, clients and people I don't even know who have left comments about my work or told me how much they love my photography.  Each of your comments makes me know in my heart that there is nothing more I want in life than what I have right now.  
So, Happy New Year!  May this year be fulfilling and peaceful for you family from mine!  

Here are some things that make me smile right now:

one of the last days of "fall" and I still can't believe it is January already.  (and that Audrey can rock her pajamas with her tutu and rubber boots.  That's my girl.)

these four little cousins all dressed in their Christmas best at Grandma's on Christmas Eve.  

and the two littles who are tickling their "Dee Dee" on Christmas Eve!

and my first born who will be eight this month riding her four-wheeler with her grandfather she got for Christmas.  

and this that I picked up at Marshall's

when I find messes like such and stop to think how much fun it was to be young

my display of Christmas cards that I always have to stare at each time I walk by.  I love Christmas cards and it is one of my favorite things to receive during the holidays!

having little girls and just stopping in CVS to pick up some girlie accessories :)

this bowl of clementines that sits on our counter. It reminds me of summer plus Audrey loves them and I never mind giving her more!

my canvas. I still stare at it.  Sometimes I drool.  Beautiful art and even more so, my beautiful children.

and this sweet pup who completely stole our heart 7 years ago. I love that he loves my girls and looks sad that they aren't home.  He is the best dog ever!  


365 by K.O.S. Photography said...

Beautiful photos!!! I love your canvas too!! I'm hoping to make some of my photos from last year into canvas' this year!!

stacy said...

I love finding their toys placed specifically and with purpose (although it seems random sometimes)! Little traces of humanity!

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